The MLJ.core.Scene namespace defines the functions to manage the scene, i.e. the set of mesh layers that constitute the ''document'' of the MeshLabJS system. This namespace also actually stores the set of meshes, the reference to current mesh, the threejs container for the scene, the threejs camera and the threejs renderer (e.g. the webgl context where the scene is rendered).
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(static) _decorators :MLJ.util.AssociativeArray
Associative array that contains all the scene level "background" decorators (axes, background grid etc..)
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(static) _group :THREE.Object
The ThreeJs group that contains all the layers. It also store the global transformation (scale + translation) that brings the global bbox of the scene in the origin of the camera reference system.
- THREE.Object
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(static) _layers :MLJ.util.AssociativeArray
Associative Array that contains all the meshes in the scene
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(static) _postProcessPasses :MLJ.util.AssociativeArray
Associative array that contains all the currently active post process rendering passes. For details see MLJ.core.Scene.addPostProcessPass.
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(static) _scene :THREE.Scene
It contains the ThreeJs Representation of the current set of layers. Each Layer is associated to a ThreeJS mesh whose contained in the MLJ.core.MeshFile object.
- THREE.Scene
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(static) _scene2D
This scene contains 2D overlays that are drawn on top of everything else
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(static) _selectedLayer :MLJ.core.Layer
Reference to current layer
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(static) this.addLayer(layer)
Adds a new layer in the scene
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The mesh file to add |
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(static) this.addPostProcessPass(name, pass)
Adds a post process pass to the rendering chain. As of now the interface to post process effects is minimal: an effect is simply a callable object that must accept two render buffers as parameters. The first buffer contains the color generated by the rendering chain of MeshLabJS up to the effect invocation, (this includes the basic scene rendering plus the result of any post process effect that was applied before the current one). The second buffer must be used as the render target of the pass, will be forwarded as input to the next effect, or will be transfered to the canvas if no other effects are active. Both buffers have the same size as the page canvas. Any other information that may be needed by an effect must be passed with closure variables or queried directly to MLJ.core.Scene.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the pass |
pass |
Object | The callable (function) object that will apply the pass |
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(static) this.addSceneDecorator(name, decorator)
Adds a scene decorator. A scene decorator differs fron an overlay layer in that it's not tied to a particular layer, but to the scene as a whole (for example an axes descriptor that highlights the direction of the x, y, and z coordinates).
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the decorator |
decorator |
THREE.Object3D | The decorator object |
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(static) this.getLayerByName(name) → {MLJ.core.Layer}
Returns the layer corresponding to the given name
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the layer |
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The layer corresponding to the given name
- Type
- MLJ.core.Layer
(static) this.getLayers() → {MLJ.util.AssociativeArray}
Returns the layers list
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The layers list
(static) this.getSelectedLayer() → {MLJ.core.Layer}
Returns the currently selected layer
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The currently selected layer
- Type
- MLJ.core.Layer
(static) this.removeLayerByName(name)
Removes the layer corresponding to the given name
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the layer which must be removed |
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(static) this.removePostProcessPass(name)
Removes a post process effect from the rendering chain.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the pass to remove |
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(static) this.removeSceneDecorator(name)
Removes a decorator object from the scene.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the decorator to remove |
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(static) this.render()
Renders the scene. If there are no post process effects enabled, the THREE.js scene that contains all the scene decorators and the overlay layers is rendered straight to the canvas. Otherwise, the basic scene is rendered to an off screen render target, and post process effects are applied one after the other (according to the user's activation order) before displaying the result.
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(static) this.selectLayerByName(layerName)
Selects the layer with the name layerName
Name | Type | Description |
layerName |
String | The name of the layer |
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(static) this.setLayerVisible(layerName, visible)
Sets the visibility of layer with the name layerName
Name | Type | Description |
layerName |
String | The name of the layer |
visible |
Boolean |
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(static) this.updateLayer(layer)
Updates a layer. This function should be called if the layer
geometry or properties was modified.
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The mesh file corresponding to the level |
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//Apply Laplacian smooth filter
Module.LaplacianSmooth(layer.ptrMesh, 1, false);
//The filter has changed mesh geometry ...
Triggered when a layer is added
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The last mesh file added |
layersNumber |
Integer | The number of layers in the scene |
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Event Interception:
function (event, layer, layersNumber) {
//do something
Triggered when a layer is reloaded
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The reloaded mesh file |
- Source:
Event Interception:
function (event, layer) {
//do something
Triggered when a layer is selected
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The selected mesh file |
- Source:
Event Interception:
function (event, layer) {
//do something
Triggered when a layer is updated
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
layer |
MLJ.core.Layer | The updated mesh file |
- Source:
Event Interception:
function (event, layer) {
//do something